This podcast contains sensitive content as we talk about pregnancy loss and stillbirth. If it triggers anything for you, please contact SANDS on 1300 072 637
Lauren Hewes has been in the fitness industry for just over 20 years. In the early days, Lauren studied Applied Science (Physical Education) at University and after a few years of being a Physical Education teacher, Lauren moved into Personal Training and Pilates instructing. Lauren’s career has continuously evolved. Lauren is passionate about training postnatal women who have experienced pregnancy loss and assist them on their fitness journey. It’s through blending personal and professional experience that Lauren has created ‘Tiny Ladder' and is here today to talk about her vision.
“Tiny ladder is a interesting name for a business, particularly for a fitness business. It’s been in my visions for quite a number of years now and it’s through blending my professional experience and my personal experience that I had in 2009, I experienced a stillborn baby, my baby was forty weeks and two days gestation, when I found out my baby’s heartbeat had stopped and through that experience of stillbirth I felt my body had failed me, I felt like… I wanted to turn my back on my body. After awhile I became wanting to get back into my exercise regime, but ironically there was nowhere in the fitness industry I could turn, I didn’t fit into a regular mums and bubs class, I didn’t fit into a group training class as my post natal body had those consideration of that late pregnancy, so I developed Tiny Ladder by blending both my personal and my professional experience to create a safe space for women to meet, talk and train in a comfortable and safe environment following pregnancy loss with a postnatal exercise specialist.”
Listen to the podcast here!
In reference to dealing with clients recovering from experiencing Still birth, you need to take into your account your Scope of Practice.
Always refer to one of the support networks listed below.
SUPPORT NETWORKS – Australian organisations
Stillbirth Foundation
Bears of hope
SANDS 1300 072 637
You are welcome to share your insight and experiences